Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nicolai's First E-team Practice

Well, the first practice for Mr. Nic was tonight. I didn't ride him, but rode okie and bought Nic along. One good thing about that horse is that he is absolutely amazing in the trailer, load/unloads nice and travels awesome. Nic was OK tonight.. pretty nervous when we got there, but eventually started to calm down. Gma played with him while I was practicing, and he definitly started to get better, although I wish gma would do things "correctly" lol. We need to rewatch the levels together.

His race horse side definitly comes out when I'm ponying him around. Acts just like a racehorse, on TOP of me and Okie. Okie got pissed at him a couple times, but Nic didn't care. My leg got squished ALOT. But, it wasn't horrid, and he could have been worse. We just have to remember that he is only 5 years old, and has been sitting in a pasture since June.

Good news:
He loves the berrygoods.. of COURSE, he has to love the most expensive brand of treat. ARG. Oh well... lol

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