Friday, June 26, 2009

So this blog thing..

..I'm just not good at it. But mostly, it's been a combination of being busy with the end of e-team season, horse problems, graduating.. ect.

Ok.. Recap of the rest of E-team-
This season was awesome!! I qualified GOLD in Keyhole for state, and then I won GOLD at state. I couldn't ask for a better season. (Well, I could actually, but this was good enough!). Drill team didn't place last, but we didn't place well either. So I guess that was an improvement over last year.

My horse situation-
Nic has a heart murmor. We found out when we took him to go get his teeth floated and before the vet sedated him, he listened to his heart and said "Do you know that your horse has a heart murmor?" Um.. NO! We have no idea whether this is something that he was born with, or he's developed since we got him, because we didn't vet check him=STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!
He's not going to make a speed event horse, thats for sure. We don't know the grade of it, but still. Currently trying to maybe get rid of him, and if it comes down to it, we'll just put him down. I don't want to sell him to someone and them be riding him and him have a heart attack. and he's such a snot he might not make a very good companion horse.

What this means-
I'm effectivly horseless for the things that I want to do, i.e. Rodeo in college. But whatever.. so I'm not taking a horse with me to college, which really really sucks, I wanted that more than anything. But i'm going to try and do equestrian team for my school. I'm doing Gorge Girls drill this summer with Okie (and maybe Steel if I talk to Larry and he's ok with it).

So that's where I'm at right now. On a good note, I have a game show this weekend and hopefully I'll do pretty good. I'll post results on that after Sunday.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


..Yea.. So. The post below was the last "nice" ride I've had on Nic. The last time I rode him he was really good for the first 10-15 minutes and then he started not really wanting to go forward, he would not trot, and when I tapped his butt he humped up and kicked out. I got off because I got scared, and then moved him around a lot on the ground, but I never got back on him. And I haven't been on him since.


Larry is going to take him for awhile and put some time in on him, which he needs with someone who isn't afraid and tell him how it is.

I have had some good play sessions with him however. He is getting a lot lighter and listening a lot more.

As far as Equestrian goes, I've been kicking butt on Steel. For points I'm sitting first in Keyhole, and have had some really good runs on other events. I'm doing reining at the 3rd meet for a joke, lol. It should be entertaining.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Short post tonight, I'm tired, and have had NO time lately post details about anything.. I'll make up this weekend...maybe...

Nic was AMAZING at Wednesdays gaming practice, he was sooo good. We cantered through poles for the first time (not the whole way, but most of it, lol), worked on keyhole, flags and barrels along with poles. And bi-rangle as well, and he was just AWESOME the WHOLE time.. such a good boy.

I am using Steel for the meets because Nic is just not ready, and I do not want to push him before he's ready, I would rather not want to undo damage, I'd rather just keep him whole.

Friday, January 30, 2009


cleansing talks are always so nice...

1) I need to accept where I am with my horse

2) The only opinion that matters at the end of the day is mine and my horses.

...details later...

I <3 you Frannie!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I suck at updating..

..well, I have a sort-of excuse, BUSY!!! Between the play and equestrian team practices I haven't had a chance to update. Nic has been doing better since the post below. He has been great at the gaming practices, with a little snotty-ness, but not bad, but at drill he started out ok on the ground, then got kinda bad, and Kendra hopped on him for me, he humped up a little when she got on, but then he was fine. She rode him for a little bit and he didn't do anything, so I hopped on and had a pretty good practice with him. He needed some reminding that he can't kill the other horses and the other horses are not going to kill him. I've been trying to teach him showmanship, and so far that going pretty well. He'll trot with me on both sides about 90% of the time, and is starting to understand how to square up. Haunch turns are still bleck, but hey, he's learning, and a lot of that has to do with his lack of knowledge about the porcupine game.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


lol, I just got back in from a very wet session with nic
he was an absolute TERROR when we took him to practice saturday..I didn't want to ride him, and so we ended up having to move arenas, so we went home and got okie
... kicking out or bucking when he didn't want to do something, full of energy, just being a jerk
I was like....I'm NOT getting on...

so, our session today was ok.. it was good when we were up by the other horses, but as I made my way down the field he got worse and worse, doing more kicking out every time he didn't want to do something. so I ended up down by the section of fence that is wood, so I attempted some squeeze game, and some sends, and TONS of yo-yo, because it seems he kicks out more when he doesn't want to yo-yo.anyways... the other horses finally came down there, and so I got him to where he was paying semi attention to me, and let him go, and busted butt up the front of the field and started playing with JJ lol. then I made my way up there, and scratched him, and then let him come to me a couple times, and went and fed them.. so it ended on an alright note
mind you, he's in a stall for a month, and been out about 2 days of that
and being fed HOT HOT HOT feed, so I'm sure thats part of it
He needs to gain weight... lol... But he's not getting any alfalfa anymore

That is cut and pasted from an IM session, and I don't feel like editing it to make it sound nice, lol.

I just hope that this behavior is mostly resulting from no work, being fed hot feed and being confined to a stall. If not.. ugh, lots and lots of more work ahead for me, I just do NOT want this to develope into something that I can't handle, because if it does, I'm screwed, lol.

What I'm going to try to do is at least play with him for 15 minutes EVERY DAY, no matter the weather-unless its ridicously cold, pouring down rain or something like that. I think I might take Okie to drill practice on Tuesday, and just give Nic some more time.

Speaking of drill team, I got some good news..

Not only am I on the "core" team, but Kendra chose me for co-captain!